Cables and Wires
Compensation and extension cables


TFT, Compensation cable

  • * High quality product
  • * Color marking according to IEC 584-3, optional ANSI/MC 96.1 (ASTM E230)
  • * Available conductors material: KX, JX, TX, NX, EX, RCA/SCA
Insulation material is resistant for high temperatures and chemicals. Generally used in thermocouple connections.

Twisted conductors, each one of them in Teflon® PFA insulation. Screen is made of Mylar® aluminum foil. Outer teflon sheath has round shape*. It is designed for work in wet areas with chemical resistant requirements.

Working temperature

Insulation temperature resistance from -75oC up to +260oC.

Available versions

Insulation designation No of conductors / Cross-section Outer dimensions Thermocouple type
Color making according to IEC 584-3
TFT teflon® PFA insulation, Aluminum foil screen (-75..+260oC) 2x0.22 mm2 Ø3 mm
4x0.22 mm2 Ø4 mm
6x0.22 mm2 Ø4 mm
8x0.22 mm2 Ø5 mm
12x0.22 mm2 Ø6 mm
2x0.44 mm2 Ø4 mm
2x0.50 mm2 Ø4 mm

Compensation and extension cables material

We make a distinction between orginal materials for extension cables and replacement materials for compensation cables.

Extension cables are made of orginal materials, the same type as thermocouple and it can be used for temperature measurement up to +1200ºC. However, actual maximum working temperature is limited by cable insulation material.

Designation according to thermocouple designation and X letter, e.g. KX, JX, EX.

Compensation cables are made of substitute materials, composed of alloys, which are not identical with thermocouple materials. However compensation cables has the same thermoelectric properties as thermocouples in allowed temperature range (according to IEC 584-3) for compensation cables.

Designation according to thermocouple designation, "C" letter and thermocouple material type designated as "A" or "B" , e.g. KCA, RCA.

Substitute materials are used for K and N type thermocouples as well as for thermocouples made of precious metal types such as R, S or B. In these case thermocouples are made of very expensive material and substitute materials are much cheaper solution.