* Single TC: Type J (Fe-CuNi), Type K (NiCr-NiAl), Type N (NiCrSi-NiSi), Type T (Cu-CuNi), Type E (NiCr-CuNi)
* Alnico magnet shallow pot and buton type
Measuring range
* 40 .. +500°C (depends on cable insulation)
Thermocouples TTE590, TTE591 are designed for assembling directly onto surfaces of blocks or machine parts.
TTE590 sensor can be assembled onto steel surfaces or immersed into it without loosing efficiency. This version consists of shallow pot magnet housing and thermocouple cable. TTE591 sensor is provided with button magnet housing with spring compression.
TTE591 sensor has spring compression which ensure optimal conditions of surface temperature measurement. It is not recommend to immerse sensor into iron material types because of risk of magnetic short-circuit. Magnet housing type, thermocouple type, accuracy, cable length and insulation can be selected individually for the respective application.
Temperature transmitter (Option)
There is possibility of using standard temperature transmitter (4÷20mA, 0÷10V) or temperature transmitter with HART®, Profibus® PA, Foundation Fieldbus communication protocol, mounted inside electrical control cabinet.
Other versions
This data sheet contains only small part of our supplies program of cable thermocouples with magnet fitting. Upon the customer's request, other versions can also be delivered.